答:1、敏而好学,不耻下问——孔子 2、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随——韩愈 3、学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆——孔子 4、知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者——孔子 5、三人行,必有我师也。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之——孔子 6、兴于《诗》,...
答:(1)劝人珍惜光阴 黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟 少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买存光阴 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 (2).告戒人要诚信 1.志不强者智不达,言不信者行不果。 --墨翟,战国思想家 2.内外相应,言行相称。 -...
答:(1)劝人珍惜光阴 黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟 少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买存光阴 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 (2).告戒人要诚信 1.志不强者智不达,言不信者行不果。 --墨翟,战国思想家 2.内外相应,言行相称。 -...
Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics A Tale of Two Cities BOOK THETHIRDTHE TRACK OF ASTORMCharles Dickens ElecBook Classics A Tale of Two Cities Chapter XXXI IN SECRET T he trave
Cruncher should have it entirely under her own superintendence Cruncher should have it entirely under her own superintendence O my poor darlings!” “I go so far as to say, miss, mo
Her coming disturbed me Her coming disturbed me I had a feeling that she wished me away: that she did not understand me or my circumstances; that she,学习名言名句大全
随机抽奖助手读书名言名句大全, ‘Done with you for a tanner!’ said the long-legged young man, and directly got upon his cart, which was nothing but a large wooden tray on wheels, an
"Mew," said the cat again; and had Rudy been still a child, he wouldhave understood this language, and known that the cat wished to tellhim there was no one at home"Mew," said the
"Mew," said the cat again; and had Rudy been still a child, he wouldhave understood this language, and known that the cat wished to tellhim there was no one at home"Mew," said the
390Chapter XXVI 390Chapter XXVI